Daily Report: August 26, 2017
Date: 2017.08.26
Host: Danbee
Day start: 10h23
Lunch break start: n/a
Lunch break end: n/a
Day end: 14h30
# of “good” participants: 76
Estimated average age group: 8 year olds and young adult couples
Brief description of the day: Another very quiet day – I guess the enormous summer crowds are done now, given that schools will start again next week. Right around midday there was a surge of foreign language students, but that was it.
I started asking parents of the smaller children how old they are, to get a better measure of how old children tend to be right at the height limit. Turns out, everyone that was “perfect height” while standing on the booster step was 7 years old. I need to get the actual measurements from Hazel, but I think we need a sign that says something to the effect of, “This exhibit not suitable for persons shorter than 130cm or younger than 7 years of age.”
Best comment: Young visitor says, “Dad, your pupils are much smaller than mine.” I ask, “Can you guess why that might be?” Young visitor, “Ummm…” I open my mouth to start to answer, then young visitor interrupts with, “Well, the octopus really surprised me, but my dad doesn’t get surprised easily, so maybe his eyes weren’t scared like mine.” Me, “Wow, actually, that’s it, more or less!”
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