Daily Report: July 17, 2017

less than 1 minute read

Date: 2017.07.17
Host: Alex

Day start: 10h00
Lunch break start: 13h00
Lunch break end: 14h00
Day end: 16h45

# of “good” participants: 62
Estimated average age group: 14-25

Brief description of the day: overall; very slow. Not very many people came to the aquarium over the course of the day and those who did were either adults or primary school children or people who did not speak any English. The adults usually just walked past me and the majority of the primary school children were too small and the the ones who couldn’t speak English just left as soon as I started speaking (language cards needed). Overall it wasn’t the best day because most of it was spent just waiting.

Best comment: it looks like the guy from pirates of the Caribbean (referring to the cuttlefish)

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